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Friday, December 16, 2011

Items That Have Changed the World As We Know it - Wikis 19-23

19. Paper - Although it was the Egyptians that created papyrus around 2400 BC, the Chinese have been and always will be the ones credited with the invention of paper. Invented in 105 AD, the new invention became the world's most crucial way of communicating with the outside world (because until now there was only writing on walls, stones, and in dirt, or word of mouth. Paper now allowed the entire world to write down things and be able to take them long distances. What did this mean? It meant that you could now send mail if you wanted to (although the mailman had not been invented yet).

20. Light bulb - Not exactly used for media (unless flash photography is considered), but nonetheless it changed the world. The light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison, who worked on continuing Ben Franklin's idea that electricity existed, and could someday be harness by mankind. It is said that Mr. Edison nearly 3000 different ways to get the light bulb to work. He finally did (who says losers never win?) and changed the world forever. Not only do we credit him for lighting our world and proving that we could invent electronics (he later invented parts for the radio as well), but he is also the man credited with inventing the first electric company. Thank you Mr. Edison for your contribution to history, and for taking our money.

21. Phonograph - This was an equally important invention of Thomas Edison, for it led to later invention of the record player and electric voice recorder. Edison created in 1878 a machine that would not only record sound, but also play it right back to you perfectly. Edison's prototype was actually made out of tin foil, and it played back the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Thomas Edison truly was the "Wizard of Menlo Park."

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