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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Documentary Week Essay (Midterm)

      Throughout the last week, we viewed several documentaries in class that depicted things in the government and in society that we are unaware. Many of these things are kept secret for a reason, but then there are crazy guys like Alex Jones who decide that for the American good, to go off and try to expose them for they really are. But is doing that really worth it? Is the release of top secret information REALLY for the American good? I would like to think not. For example, when we were watching Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA, all Jones would talk about is the fact that FEMA and government were working together, building camps that people knew nothing about, and then putting citizens in those camps, forcing them to face hard labor. Now, that kind of information alone would appall anyone, especially me. But the thought that America could actually have concentration camps to some degree in unbelievable. I certainly hope that on that note, you Mr. Jones are sadly mistaken.
      The madness does not end there. In the second Alex Jones documentary we viewed entitled The Fall of the Republic, Jones continued with the conspiracy approach by talking about how President Obama is more of a dictator than a president.  He also mentioned a variety of executive orders the Obama signed, far too many for me to mention, but none of them had been mentioned the news at all. Hmmmm....I can only wonder about that. Maybe it's because that they NEVER HAPPENED?! Everyone knows that anything that the president signs is always covered by at least one person in the media, and I am not talking about Alex Jones. Sir, the fact that you would even consider Barack Obama to be a dictator is cruel and beyond low. He is a great man, and has done a lot for the nation since he took office. Sure, some of his decisions may have been questionable, but all in all, he has done a fine job in my opinion.
       The last documentary that I will mention is even worse than the two Alex Jones ones that we watched, and he isn't even in this one! The last documentary we viewed was entitled Food Incorporated. I am sorry, but after watching that, I couldn't eat a thing for a least a day or longer. That was some of the most disgusting things I have ever bared witness to. Especially the chicken story. Good grief! How could you stand to watch this? The fact that the government knows about all of this stuff going on with our food and does nothing about shocks me. It almost as if they actually want some of the population to get sick and die...truth perhaps? I hope to God that I never find out, because if that is the case, I am out of here! As of right now, knowing what I know about America, Canada doesn't sound too bad right now.

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